Animation Demo

Profile photo for Nikki Moore
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases animation voices ranging from soldier, mom, 9 year old boy, teenage girl, 1920s New York woman, and 20's woman.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome back, soldier were in a terrible state. Mortal uprising needs your help. Come on. We gotta go choose your transportation. Yeah, that one. Hey, I'm Betty. The B 52 bomber happened. Let's go bomb the zombies too. Finally, you were 10 minutes late. Oh, jeez. What's wrong? Nothing is ready. It's just Dottie. He broke up with me. All right, turn that frown upside down. Nobody has time for a cry, baby. Besides, how do you expect to find another man looking like of that? Bobby, Tina, Clovis is here. You You look like a zombie from my game. What a fox. Mom, it's so embarrassing. I am 14. I don't need a baby sitter. I could take care of myself. Well, then, that means Cloris can just take care of me. Whatever you kids work it out to does fine, Mrs Freddy. Don't worry. I'm watching both of them. Hey, you guys playing mortal uprising? Yeah, come on. Yeah, I guess. Oh, that's dope. I'll grab the ice cream, meet you in the den.