

This audio describes the year 2020 as Covid-19 attacked the World. The audio speaks about how lockdown affected Kenya and how this 'new norm' suddenly changed the entire globe. This recording is for a documentary class titled 'THE YEAR THAT NEVER WAS'

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) British (General) Kenyan (East Africa)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
2020 a year. So momentous they named it twice a year who Storey couldn't be told until now because it's still happening with unprecedented access to experts. This is the storey of the most historic Ian history, through the eyes and minds of those who lived. This is 2020 the year that never wass. It is January 1st and from the day 2020 scenes like any other normal year, and as it begins to evolve, you can see that there's natural disaster happening. The 2020 is about to be dominated by an infinite bigger storey. Imagine when the other side of the world people are succumbing to a mysterious illness which at first Buffels doctors and ends up killing them. Residents here in Kenya can only watch from a foul on television, the Internet, both of which are considered safe. In this documentary, characters discuss the events of 2020 with a mixture of true information and adventure. Three year is characterised with tragedies in devastation that have hit the country hard and left many people hard working. For many, they hear 2020 started at a pretty alarming rate following the **** Omega School Stumpy that happened on the third of February that left 14 people dead in the death of the second president of Kenya, His Excellency Daniel arap Mori on the Fourth of February, thinking that you've seen it all covered 19 strikes. Can you finally reports its first cove in 19 case gone much 13. We're patient zero who had flown back from China into the U. S. A. In downtown Nairobi was exposed and may have contracted the virus. No. Three days later, President Kenyatta orders the closure of learning institutions and on March 25th, the head of state declared a dusk to dawn curfew, bringing the new normality. This documentary will be discussing Coronas, new normality and how it's affected Kenya since its arrival, the government measures and precautions. And if the Y efficient or not, we'll also be looking on how these measures have affected the economic sector. How has locked down disrupted the supply chain of goods and services delay in product delivery due to congestion of Lorries that border checkpoints due to lack of covert 19 test certificates. Some businesses, such as hotels and restaurants, clubs and bars, were forced to close while some had to cut off Labour reports show that at least 1.7 million Kenyans lost their jobs between April and June due to the economic effects of covert 19. We'll also be looking on how Cove in 19 has affected the education sector. Here we'll be looking at the sudden closure of schools and how students, teachers and other school ******* too affected. We'll see how cove it has affected the school calendar and also how education has been revolutionised by introduction online classes do. To prove it, we'll be looking at the preparedness of our health sector in dealing with such a global pandemic in the shortages of beds and Kenyan hospitals, poor working environments for doctors and poor quality off creepy I given to the doctors. Finally, we'll be seeing how cold it has affected our social ways since we as Africans or social people, from attending weddings to funerals to the disruption of social gatherings within the churches. We'll also be looking at the closure of private institutions which forced people to start working from home. We shall be looking at the new way of life, social distancing, wearing off masks, regular washing off hands in the EU's off sanitises and how we're coping to this new normal 2020 the year that never wass no