Voice Acting Demo

Profile photo for Ofer Sharon
Not Yet Rated


Voice Acting Demo
Film Noir
Nature Film

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
She walked through my door like a tires, walks into a Burmese orphanage and became up blowing, sputtering, laughing and gasping for breath. At one. And the same time, Phil report from station 13 agent in charge since the battle of the Sun mission, we await confirmation of the strike teams of high. Nobody really believes him in his weird prophecies. It's impossible that someone could have foreseen it without ever setting foot within 2000 miles radius from the mountain. However, without having the actual virus, we have no idea if this would work. The Amazon Rain Forest, Mother Nature and all had a vine splendor. It is here that one can truly witness the behavior of animals in their natural state. I am the voice of one of the millions that were burned in the Nazi death camps. I speak to you as a reminder as a body that has been taken, but a voice that will never be silenced on our journey. Today, you will hear the stories of the death camps and we will be remembered of a time when pure evil walked the earth.