Megan Tooley Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Megan Tooley
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial Demo for Megan Tooley - Showcases a range from fun and exciting reads to serious, anthemic and self help based products.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The new D. Q. Summer blizzard menu will take you right into summer with favorites like cotton candy and raspberry fudge. Bliss. Summer's best moments are just one bite away. De que Happy tastes good. Two thirds of kids with mental health disorders. Never get the help they need because of stigma, misunderstanding and fear the child Mind institute is changing that, but they need your support, visit child Mind dot org to learn more. How do you trick kids into snacking better name your product, Pirate's booty pirates, booty cheese puffs, Real crunch, real cheese. New smoky shadow blast Plus lash blast. A smoky eye made easy from easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl. We don't wait for change. We use our voices to change the conversation so we can and must do better. Equality for all people is everything Adidas? Impossible is nothing.