Guy with Philly/Delco accent talk about his trip to the Jersey Shore

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Quick monologue of a guy from a Philly accent talking about his recent trip to the Jersey Shore

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North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, man, what's up? So my wife and I, we decided to get out of the house, get out of May Fair in Northeast Philly at our home and we decided to go down ashore back in August, right? So my dad and my stepmom have had a summer home down there for ages, you know. So that's, it's right by the beach. We got a great Hoy and cheesesteak spot right around the corner. Plus we've got a great set up for me to watch Eagles preseason games, Phillies games, all that in the house. But let me tell you, dude, the shore townies down there, they're a trip, dude. So let me tell you, we're out at this bar and they got the DJ playing nineties hip hop and stuff and some drunk townie dude comes up to me all like, yo, bro, that your girl over there, you know the hot woman in the red dress? Is she with you? I'm like, yeah, dude, that's my wife and he's all like asking to have a dance with her. And I'm like, no man, he's like, oh come on, dude, just one dance and I'm all like, dude, No, that's my wife and he's got the nerve like the gall to like, get all mad at me and try to make me like, flinch. She's like lunching at me like, no. Yeah. You hell are you, man? And then he storms off like, I'm the bad guy. I'm like, are you serious guy? Anyway, yo, I got tickets for the Phillies game coming up next week, dude. So I, I'll hit you up when we get back home. Ok, later, dude.