Hilary Mantel The Mirror & the Light

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The Mirror & the Light” is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds. This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to, but if we’re willing, we can still make it a great life. I chose this novel because It is a good compelling story.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


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Yeah, once the queen's head is severed, he walks away. A sharp punk of aptitude, reminds him that it's time for a second breakfast or perhaps an early dinner. The mornings circumstances are no, and there are no rules to guide us. The witnesses who have nailed for the passing of the soul stand up and put on their hats. Under the hats, their faces are stunned, but then he turns back to say a word of thanks to the executioner. The man has performed his office with style and though the king is paying him well, it's important to the world. Could service with encouragement as well as a burst. Having once been a poor man, he knows this from experience. The small body lies on the scaffold where it has fallen, belly down, hands, hour, stretch it, it swims in a pool of crimson, the blood seeping between the plaques, the Frenchman that had sent for the colours. Executioner had picked up the head, swaddle it it in linen, then handed it to one of the valid woman who had attended on in her last moments. He saw how as she received the vandal. The woman shuddered from the nape of her neck to her feet. She had it faster and the head is heavier than you than you expect having been on a battlefield. He knows this from experience too. The women have done well and would have been proud of them. They will not let any man touch her pumps out the first park. Those who try to help them, they slide in the girl and stooped over the Nauru carcass. He hears their end round breathe as they left what is left of her holding her by her clothes. They are afraid the clothes were ripped and their fingers touch her crawling flesh. Each of them sidesteps the cash in on which she knelt Now sudden with her blood from the corner of his eye, he sees the presence fled away. Officiated fleeing man in the leader Churkin. It's Francis, bryan, a nimble culture, going to a hotel, Henry. He is a free man.