

Different styles of elearning content

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in this module, we will discuss what to do if you come across an unattended mobile mover. A mobile mover is an assistive device used to carry heavy objects from Point A to point B. This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver or, if in automatic mode must be supervised at all times. This American Heart Association approved course teaches 1st 8 assessments and actions as well. A CPR. I'm glad you're with us today. Throughout this online class are teaching. Style is watch, then practice. You can ask a question any time during the presentation by pressing star to to raise your hand. If you're watching this, chances are you've been recommended for inguinal hernia repair. A hernia is a condition where part of an organ is displaced or protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it. It can occur as a result of weak tissue, congenital defects or trauma