Video Narration Samples

Video Narration


This is a small collection of samples across a variety of project types ranging from disclaimers to promotional material.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You know when you've found your place, a place where curiosity is fueled by challenges and your ambition is met with opportunity, a place where you're cared for as an individual and celebrated for who you are and what you bring. Maryland is leading the way in making our transportation systems smarter, more efficient and safer through connected and automated vehicles. Since 2015, Maryland has been active in advancing C. A. V. Ideas, education, innovations and demonstration projects. This video is not monetized. The independent property of within the ring of fire is the sole property of Underwood and raw immersive games. The sea rose and fell like the chest of a sleeping giant waves crashing onto the wood of Captain Nava's ship. As if angered by its presence. We make no claim of any but wholly original characters, locations, concepts, etcetera, relating to this I. P.