Character | Audio | Comedy | Teddy in Wooden Overcoats

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Playing Teddy in the Wooden Overcoats Summer Special.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So where shall we start? The Beano Summer special 74 or the dandy summer special 81 in Heaven's name are you talking about? You said you like to read. And so I thought you could read to me. I'd fancy that very much time to this. I lost my glasses over a year ago, and I've been dying to find out what happens in these comics. It's nearly driven me mad, you know? Quite mad. How many of those do you have here? Oh, every one of them published except those that the ants devoured the And I expect it will take us at least two years to get through them all. And then we can start again. From the beginning, I'm sure we'll find more to enjoy and admire. There are hundreds of background jokes in Calamity James alone. A little squelch E thing. Do you have to let me go? I could get us both off this island. Perhaps if you read to me exceptionally well, I'll consider it. But for now you'll have to humour me. Teddy, You must listen to me. You must. Can you name all of the back street kids? I can