Animation /Cartoon Demo

Profile photo for Phe Caplan
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Various wacky characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fi Kaplan Blue. No, Red, No yellow. I mean green. Wait, What was the question again? No, no. Tell me the answer is toast. Okay, light up, losers. Now I'm going to say this one time at one time only. Has anybody seen my pants? So I like, totally want to be friends forever and ever. And we can do everything together, always. And when we're old, we could be best friends and weaken dialling hands too much. I put my waffle in my bobs shoe. She walked around with it all day and didn't know why the dog wouldn't leave her alone. Good thing it wasn't soup. Now that you are under my control, I will make you do my bidding. Make like a chicken. Very good. Now you are ready. Dark forces will seek to destroy the chosen one before the ceremony takes place. One time I went all the way to the back field when really all I needed to do was open the fridge. Oh, my little pokey shoe. What's the matter? Did that big bad man scare? You did a Yeah. I feel like a process. A real life princess now up with their heads my father and his father before him were all keepers of the stone. And I will keep that tradition. But in my own way, I will not bow to you. Sacha Maura. You wanna be life friend? Because I love you, my friend. Listen up and listen close. Because I'm only going to tell you one time you better fold your pizza before you eat it or you're out of this family. Oh, Frabjous Day. Kalu Calais, right? I mean, right.