Business Compilation Demo, Friendly, Salesman, Funny, Cartoon, Stuffy

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I wanted to make the sample with various voices and have some fun at the same time. The demo has some serious and humorous takes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In our next segment, we visit individual stadiums, explore tales of the classic teams, legendary stars and the devotion of the american baseball fan. 250 cities, 40 countries, one airline American Airlines. These are our kids and just like your kids. It seems like what we tell them, goes in one ear and out the other. But guess what? When it comes to making a tough decision, like whether or not to drink kids say parents have more influence than anyone there called the 99 ers because they're 99 week limit on unemployment has run out tonight. What do the jobless do when their safety net is gone? The CNN newsroom six o'clock on CNN. So my wife says sit down. I sit down. She says, what are you doing? Stand up? I said you told me to sit down. She said, what are you crazy? I said maybe you should take a pill smear campaigns, mudslinging, twisting the truth. Why do politicians resort to such underhanded tactics? Do they think it really helps their campaign? It's time to level the playing field. What would you guys like to get some ice cream, ice cream? Yeah, introducing the new jitterbug. It's the cell phone that offers simplicity for everyone. Over the years, cell phones have become smaller and smaller with lots of complicated features but the jitterbug. Cell phone has simplified everything martini diamond earrings, extra dry cross marching. The settings are set with brilliant full spirited diamonds. Open airy, alive with fire and light. In the last weeks of March, 1931. Eliot ness and his untouchables were hitting hard at the Capone Empire.