Jason Sims-Prewitt ANIMATION



Animation reel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, well, well. The undefeatable Batman. And now look at you a pesky fly in my trap Water, sweet media. My apologies. I woke up this morning with this horrible jive turkey giving my ball back. Oh, you mean this ball The Did I just step or you got a lot of No. I get myself into these situations. Furby. Don't be scared. I think of a way out of this. A rope, firmly. Your genius. Well, let's see here. I'm on a bit of a night Summers air coming. I need to look like a slab of a one beef. So I'll take our, ah, uh, two large fries of buttermilk biscuit. A double cheeseburger. Don't be shy with cheese. Five crab cakes, one of those. Their dollar case of Bill of half a rack of baby back ribs. A scoop of that, their mac and cheese and that fizzy pop and an apple path. Allah, move