Narrations - E-Learning, Video narration, medical info

Video Narration


This is a demo reel of a sampling of e-learning, medical and corporate narrations. The tone is bold, strong, knowledgeable, but also clear and informative.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
look around you, people these days are on the move, we're learning more, trying more, doing more and when the level of physical activity increases, the risk for injury rises as well. Americans loved the 1963-1967 stingrays because they were fast machines that looked supersonic even when parked, they remained the most collectible Corvettes today. Disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs or dim ARDS are the current standard of care for rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to rest strengthening exercises and anti inflammatory drugs. methotrexate is the most commonly used marred. Some drugs are associated with toxic side effects. So you will need frequent blood tests when taking them. Everyone should have the opportunity to live up to their potential, not just their athletic potential but their human potential. We strive for the day when kids from around the world can truly experience childhood, go to school and participate fully in life. Welcome. During the next 15 minutes, you'll learn the four steps toward a better retirement. Here are some steps you can take now to make your ira work harder for you and help secure a more comfortable retirement