Patient Care Stress Relief

Video Narration


Caring and calm voice over for an approachable feel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
allow yourself a two minute pause to relax with simple guided meditation. Start by gently closing your eyes or focusing your eyes on the screen. Rest your hands in your lap. Take a slow, deep breath in and then let it go. Become aware of the rise and fall of your chest and focus on the rhythm of your breath. I notice you're back pressed up against the chair. Focus on the point of contact. Now think about your shoulders and your heart area. Feel your heart beat. Notice if there's any tension in your shoulders or heart and use your breath to let the tension melt away. Finally, expand your focus to the whole of your body. Feel if there are any areas of tension and let your breath take the attention away. Now let the mine do whatever it wants and just be free in your own time. Let your eyes blink open. You can carry this calmness with you into your day