English, elegant adult, five years, various genres, fiction and nonfic

Profile photo for Yael Eylat-Tanaka
Not Yet Rated


Narrated a novel, this is the preface.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
preface, there is no such thing as a mundane existence. Adventurers everywhere around us. It is for us to recognize those stories that tantalize the mind and tickle the spirit. These stories are a mixture of romance, adventure history and a touch of science fiction. If nothing else, humans are humans in the journey of life, enter into the following stories with an open mind and you will find the familiar and the unfamiliar that will cause some thought beyond the enjoyment of Reading in the arena takes place in the war zone. Too familiar in the modern era. Jump takes an excursion into the dangers of greed coupled with genetic engineering, New Moon Rising juxtaposes an oncoming disaster with very human emotions circle goes back to the time of the expanding consciousness of misplaced people and the oncoming age of Exploration. Sina bite explores the place of the computer in theology, paper claws, shows how what we make may protect us. Audio trough faces genetic engineering with how it affects one personally and the last Prayer proves love is the strongest emotion of all in the end, read on and enjoy a world that may not be as different as the one we live in