Hip Hop Announcement with Facebook Spot.

Profile photo for Reyna Day Young
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This sample includes a segment with a Hip Hop current event announcement and a snippet of a Facebook added feature.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
say what, where we go over some current events, what's happening in the body and just in the world as a whole, the hip hop world has definitely been mourning Earl Simmons DMX the great DMX, if you know anything about the hip hop culture, you know that actually he was probably the first prayer you heard on a record. Well at the age of 50 he went home to be with the father april 9th 2021. DMX was a battle rapper in the early 1990s, one of the first artists that signed to def jam and really made an impact on hip hop culture. He was definitely known as a warrior and his fight against really against himself because of all the pain from the childhood trauma that he shared with his listen. Although his music was hard hitting and sometimes considered dark. This grammy nominated hip hop artist managed to share his faith in jesus christ and his dependency on the Lord even through his darkest moments and we all went along on that ride with him. Well X we do hope you truly can rest in. There's a pretty cool feature that has just been attitude book. It is a job tracker where you can go on facebook and input your previous skills or skills that you're looking to learn in the near future and they will send you weekly or daily updates on the jobs that are available near you in your city, in your county, in your state and then also you can create a job if you are a business owner looking to rebuild your team, go to facebook dot com for more information about that, of course, and then also.