Middle Eastern Fiction Audiobook - Dramatic, Sincere, Thoughtful Narrator



Middle Eastern Fiction Audiobook - Dramatic, Sincere, Thoughtful Narrator first person
Iranian Arabic Dubai International

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Afghan Arabic (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
is this really how it ends? Not with a bang but a whimper, a 10 hour flight, a week of mandatory vacation, a pat on the batch and an empty great desk under the unforgiving fluorescent lights of a cheerless office. We'll get you in office soon, Susan tells me, without meeting my eyes. But the days go by and the room remains as elusive as my new tasks. Sympathetic glances whispers around the coffee maker. They don't know who I am. Everyone here is younger than me. But the rumors have preceded me. I'm the old field agents sent home because he wasn't able to make the tough calls required by war who didn't have the stomach for Afghanistan. It doesn't surprise me with all the spies. What do we have, if not our rumors or half truths are fragments taken out of context? The only ones I know are those of my colleagues who rose to the ranks, who accepted the proprieties and mastered the shifting alliances who have always done better in their own town houses. Then in the shadows, whose goals from the very beginning we're breakfast meetings with presidential advisers and dinner parties with ambassadors They didn't interest me back then and they don't interest me now. Nevertheless, they stopped by dutiful e glance at my tidy desk while they avoid meeting my eyes, their fingers drumming on the red plastic of my empty inbox.