Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This is a variety of commercial spots, with copy of varying tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is that? Looks like a cross between a newspaper and an iPad. The Amazon e in creeper. I gotta get me one of those canon cameras. All digital click sound optional canon dot com At best Buy. We get it best by price matching guarantee. Come to our store. Find what you want, Price. Check it and take it home. Right then Right there. Right now, when you're a beginner investor, the right brokerage account can be so much more than simply a platform for placing trades. Welcome toe, Ally. Invest Bob Dylan's heaviness door whiskey in straight rye, Tennessee bourbon and double barrel 100 proof. I'm not just hungry. I'm really hungry. The double whopper from Burger King. Oh, yeah. Fries are good too. Really large fries. Did you see how happy she waas? I've seen this before. That's Pandora. Happy