Commercial Voice Reel 2020

Profile photo for Richie Crossman
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
bored watching television, doing homework, surfing social media. Wouldn't you rather be coasting down ski hills and a great white North? We've teamed up with our snow crazed sponsors to bring you the coolest winter holiday package ever. Your dream house. A sprawling lake, mature trees, a winding driveway. Convenience on comfort for you. Come in and talk to one of our mortgage specialists. It's not just a house, it's paradise. It's finally here is the cat's me out tour has heard its way up the marshes. Code definitions, potions, Japanese Bob tails, that cat's me out Tio afternoons Fairgrounds for one day. Yeah. Have you been looking for a place to call home? Need a place that makes you feel welcome Value at Peaceful Dove Church Our community is waiting for people just like you to find their real ever wanted to know what it's like to get flying through the air on a dirt bike. Watch are serious. One man, one bike on candid interviews with some of his paramedic friends tonight on the Extreme Summer Sports Network for the smoothest, grooviest jazz, keep your ears tuned into the West Coast. Cool. 98.1 of them catch the vibe. Be cool, you're fired. Find out who the next candidate to get the boot is on The recruiter tonight on Jackie 47. The following programme contains questionable language that may not be appropriate for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.