RIGHTSOUND Inspirations!

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Animated, Caring, Concerned, Conversational, Friendly, Genuine, High Energy, Happy, Motivational, Narrator, Religious, Storyteller, Sincere, Thoughtful, Warm, Uplifting, Natural, Believable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
are you content with giving God your second best efforts? Are you content with giving God your leftover efforts? Many have grown used to a culture where mediocrity is the norm, where it is acceptable to give God what is substandard rather than excellent, where we can pass off laziness and lack of commitment as our spiritual service to the god of the universe who gave his son to die for us today, we should make a decision to never again insult God by giving him less than the best of your efforts. Our prayer is Lord. Whatever it is that we do to serve you, may it never be less than our best. May we honor you in our service, not giving you leftover energies, but giving you first place in our lives. Let's pay close attention while Bishop Harvey B gives us more insight on giving God your best. And now here is Bishop B. For over 20 years, Book of Hope has taken God's word to Children and youth around the world. Thanks to our many partners, we have reached millions of Children in over 125 countries. This day marks a special milestone for our ministry. As we distribute our 500 millionth book of hope. Come and discover your destiny