Video Game Demo

Profile photo for Rin Araneta
Not Yet Rated


My video game demo showcases my versatility in naturalistic/grounded deliveries. From a resourceful and hopeful survival horror protagonist, to a grim and gritty Spider-queen, I've got a lot of fun stuff showcased on this one.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Papa's watch the scuff marks the scratches. They're, they're real. He's here. I just have to find out, Papa. You want to see how a bad girl plays Maon time for the orchid harvester bamboo. Our ossory style laser grid. Now, that's dedication. Well, luckily for us, that's what drones are for any time. You see these illite firewalls fly the ace pilot. That'll do the rest. Welcome to the vapor isa. You think our lasers will bless you away, check our prices if you're looking for swords. My brother's next door. Bobby Pitch Fork down boys. I'm just here to collect my bounty, fire and square. No, though they could have gotten my good side for the wanted poster. Please. I know you're trying to help, but it takes all of my strength to contain this evil. They'd kill you if they saw you anywhere near me. I if you just go wanna hire, you do lay a hand on my eggs. Do you think you once the clock strikes midnight during the eclipse, the king of the dream world will walk us here in perpetual coma. Kill the king or never wake up? No big deal. You got this. Right.