Video Game Demo Reel



Selection of video game characters performed by R. John

This demo reel can best be described as: misunderstood villain , playboy , swordsman , dynamic , frenetic , cheater , conniving , hatter , crazy , insane , inane , silly , weird , inquisitive , robot , fighter , warrior , future , android , mush mouth , side kick , advisor , dwarf , swarthy , gruff , tough , magical , fantasy , samurai , dark , ninja , brooding , creature , elemental , earthy , deep , voice of god , epic , dragon , ancient , wizard , wise , sage , warlock , Russian , seaman , fighter , scared , strange , odd , offbeat , eccentric , loony , mad , crackpot , fantastic ,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Greetings peasants. Are you ready to die by bongos? Hand sees on your enemy's weakness is no such thing as a fair fight. But you know that since your Alice or are you I shall **** you to make sure accept my challenge to prove your callousness. There is only one end before us. Total victory. A glorious day. I'm returned back The point. That dish must be served in the throne room. The Lord comes down for a meal every night that we know for sure. Trying not to be seen by a much I'm tearing a 12 an explorer. There's no time to chat. Way must stop Gromek before he spreads his infection around the whole empire Help you with Please hurry. I'm turning it dark dragon too quickly. A warrior must be prepared Mind and body for sacrifice Touched by blood The night lines me now my eyes don't hurt year. This is for you. First the egg must be warmed in the purest fire. But dragons bias flames have all fallen code more good. What is it?