Excerpt from \"Anastasia Krupnik\" by Lois Lowry

Profile photo for Robyn Needham
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases a narrator neutral voice as well as a girl, her father, and two of her classmates.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the students began to enter the classroom, Anastacia was startled at their loudness at the J. Henry Bolster, elementary school students were not allowed to shove the desks around or talk to each other when lessons were starting. And although the issue hadn't been raised in the fourth grade, she suspected that they would not be allowed to smoke cigarettes, which some of her father students were doing. Whose the midget, Dr Kay? Asked one of the students, a boy. She thought it was a boy. At least it was a little hard to tell. But the voice was rather deep for a girl. Her father stood up. Before we start class, I would like you to meet my daughter, Anastacia, who is visiting today. Oh, right, said the girl in the desk next to an ist Asia's and smiled at her. Dr Krupp, Nick lit his pipe. Today we will continue with Wordsworth. Since Christmas vacation is upon us and we are busy. I gave you quite a simple assignment. It is fair or safe to assume that you have all red and given some analysis of I wandered lonely as a cloud. Anastacia nodded gravely and said Yes, the rest of the class hooted and laughed. Her teacher, Mrs West Vessel, would have sent them all to the principal's office. Her father only side. McAllister. He said, Let's hear from you. Tell us what you think of the poem. The boy who had asked to the midget was groaned. Frankly, Dr K, I think it's a crock. Her father puffed on his pipe for a moment. Would you explain why you find the poem offensive? McAllister, her father asked. The boy looked at his copy of the poem. Well, like look at lines 15 and 16. I mean, like, it's not enough that he has to, like, write about all those flowers flooding around, Come on and jock on. What does that mean? Giaka means cheerful, McAllister said. Anastasia's father. Surely you should have access to a dictionary. Would you use it occasionally, please? Dr. Krupp next sounded annoyed. Miss Einstein, would you please tell us which line or lines convey to you the theme of the poem and what the theme might be? A fat girl dressed entirely in black, a super poetry outfit adjusted her glasses. Well, I couldn't pick out any one or two lines you know, you have to look at it in its entirety, and then you can see the dichotomy Anastasia's father interrupted. Remember, Miss Einstein, we sort of had a friendly agreement that you won't use the word dichotomy in this class anymore because it has become a bit of, ah, victim of overuse.