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Profile photo for Robin Akin
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there's more to life than a Volvo. There's Thean impression you make when you no longer need to impress the pursuit of enrichment rather than just riches. There's being different when all the other seem well, the same. Life was always right on time. I graduated college. I became a nurse. So when I started a family, I didn't expect my baby to be three months early. Luckily, I was at Children's, with some of the highest primi survival rates in the nation experienced the delicious intensity of lint excellence. The finest start chocolate crafted to perfection by the Lindt master chocolate Here, excellence from lint. It's Sesame Street in the backyard. All the fun and imagination of Sesame Street is here. A playhouse with things to slide on and regal through and pretend to talk on and play with. The outdoors is even more fun when Sesame Street is a part of it, introducing new artisanal salads by fresh express, bursting with flavor like rich, buttery lettuce. Delicately sweet Sierra Chris please and tender petite spinach. Fresh express artisanal salad's salad. So flavorful dressing. Optional Haitians Belief, Understanding, persistence. Our kids and their teachers worth investing in BC tia This is where unconditional love and immeasurable happiness reside. This is home. Coldwell Banker, where home begins