Megan Sticht Character Demo

Profile photo for Megan Sticht
Not Yet Rated


Various female and male character voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) French (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on if you look to your left us Easy up. Excuse me, Madame Gazelle, but I could surely use a little girl's room right about now. Obliged? Yes. Ah, some of the loot would be quite the thing. Now, Ladder is not what it once was. You, Reggie. Nothing's what it wants. Waas CEO Necesito Bruce Karam Banyu armies more. He stays, She needs a bathroom. I could use a place to freshen my makeup. This humidity is making my mega people streaky. And I wanted to go live at the Eiffel Tower. Ladies and gentlemen, if you just wait until the next stop there is a paid well it What do you mean? We gotta pay the pay? You're off your head. Just so a lot Back their fair using the got our mama, Mama Yockey! Those people are kissing over there as they do know. Pay me enough. Possess