A mash of different voices: Childish, accent, tearful, etc

Profile photo for Rayna Scott
Not Yet Rated
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1. A childish annoying female voice.
2. A female in her 20's with a slight accent.
3. A female in her 20's annoyed.
4. A sweet, airy female voice.
7. A happy go lucky, mocking voice.
8. An annoyed low female voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
gross. At least close the door. I'd like to stay innocent. Thank you. I'm glad you find exposing your Children to adult situations. It's funny. I'm sure the police won't. I'm sorry for the accusation. I've had bad experiences with men, but that doesn't excuse how I treated you. I'm so sorry. After she left he had nothing. Finally ferry weaseled her way into his bed and his life. Next thing you know, he has four little flames and boom, heartbreak city for reno. You didn't have to sum it up like that. It's kind of mean larry. I don't want to die. It's too many things. I didn't do. It already sounds like bull to me. We just defeated Shadow Valley. And then the same day a nerd, a cream puff and a guy that stinks of wet dog up here. Do you think we're idiots? I don't mind set for hard times. Things are back to normal so I can stop repressing my stupidity. I think I was developing a lookie here. It's 1/4 of a forego. Your hunters are such cowards at this point. You're nothing but a bunch of bullies, harassing puppies, animal crackers in my soup. What? Nobody is perfect