Narrative Demo

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our first stop on the Burlington Ice Cream Factory tour is going to be what we like to call the idea room. What do you notice? First, right, The giant refrigerator. Let's take a look inside, shall we? Inside, you'll find all the usual Adams that you're used to seeing an ice cream such as chocolate chips, Sprinkles and nuts. This video is designed to help you. The North Lakeside employees understand the new policies will be following at this facility. For our first example, I'd like to introduce you to Charles. Charles is a happy employees. He shows up to work on time every day, shares a smile with everyone and generally enjoys his job. So why is the security guard stopping Charles today? Because Charles forgot about the new clean in clean out policy. Welcome to the Field Science Museums Interactive website. On this site, you'll be able to learn about the museum's permanent exhibits, play interactive games and see our new online exhibits. Thes include the main lis Lions of Madagascar, life in the Petrified Forest and the popular Sue the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Hi, this is Ruby Russell anemic. Thank you for listening