Hard Hitting Political Demo

Profile photo for Russ DeWolfe
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Exceptional political demo representing love, disdain, and everything in between.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Texas under Governor Greg Abbott. Over 600,000 new jobs, record low unemployment, higher wages for workers, billions in tax cuts among the best high school graduation rates in America and the best business climate in the country. On June 20th Georgia has the power to vote for fresh leadership to put an independent voice in Washington. Who cares about you and your families? John Awesome understands we cannot solve our problems by building walls or sowing division Rod Rosenstein, a week careerist at the Justice Department, protecting liberal Obama holdovers and the Deep State instead of following the rule of law. John Lobo is the candidate for state Senate. He has ran his family business for 25 years, been a selectman for 10 and was elected to local government when he was 18. All of us are finding it less and less affordable to live and do business in Massachusetts. Who's looking out for the taxpayer? Who can you trust to protect your interests on Capitol Hill? As a parent, I believe my 12 year old and every child in the city of Chicago deserves a fair shot at opportunity. Rahm Emanuel doesn't have the experience or track record to make sure that happens if you don't want big business to get funds earmarked for our Children's future vote. Gary Chico for Chicago mayor