Video Games come to life here!

Profile photo for Russ DeWolfe
Not Yet Rated


Samples of lots of different characters, see how different one guy can sound!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
come. Taste the steel boys. Be gone. It is not yet your time, Mortal. Come on, boss. I got a family. I'll quit drinking on the job. Please let me stay. Leonardo just told me his breakfast tastes like boiled horse. Hurry, hurry, Hurry. Step right up, sir, Please stand behind that. Who are you? Uh, it felt too real. The landscapes, I thought were just backgrounds in my head that I now realized where the demons out to get me. We got multiple bad guys inside the bank. They're heavily armed and they've already shot the clerk. So when they come out, you shoot to kill. Got it? They find them up. Perhaps. What would this gentleman have to gain from that information? Princess Daisy is injured. The Princess needs medical attention. Activate the warp vortex. If I'm going to ****, you're going with me. Well, never thought I'd die a hero.