Exciting new voice for your next project.

Profile photo for Ryan Erskine
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Here is a short demo of 3 different categories. Narration, E-Learning, and Commercial.
Looking forward to working with you on your next great project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We now know more about cancer than ever before in the history of humankind. Here at Dana Farber. Our vision is to prevent more cancers from developing, to deliver even better care to those who do face disease and to solve the greatest challenges in cancer medicine to make these dreams a reality. We began the Dana Farber campaign. This presentation reviews OSHA recordkeeping requirements at a high level with an emphasis on how to fill out the forms provided in Osha's record keeping forms package. The tutorial covers what types of operations come under the record keeping a rule and thus are required to complete the forms, what types of injury and illness incidents must be recorded and what information is to be included in each of the three OSHA forms respectively. The menu link also includes a feature for searching the entire presentation by keywords. A great look starts with a great haircut and that's what great cuts is all about friendly professional hair stylists who really care you get exactly the haircut you want every time we guarantee it and the price is right, just $8 and most great cut salons, great cuts for great looking Hair?