Personal Script From Project

Profile photo for Samuel Ivan McNulty
Not Yet Rated


I've been working on a small animation, sorry for the back ground noise it will be completely silent when I recorded next time.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hello to whoever is listening to this. I am going to read off small portion of a script that me and my friends put together for an animation, and it's just my part as Thomas. So it's gonna sound very choppy here and there. But this is what I got. Mhm. Wow, it sounds like we're finally building up a good reputation. He is right. You do hate almost everyone. Well, I'm glad to hear you're convinced he's got you there, Greg. Good work, Oswald. You've really been doing an amazing job here lately. Oh, I wouldn't say he's angry. You just got a lot of history built up in him. Greg is kind of his own person, you know, in his own person. Doesn't really put a lot of thought into the words, he says. Nor does he care much about concealing his general emotions. Because of that, I really wouldn't try to put that much thought into it. You'll find in this world some people are just a bit more complicated than others. It'll be fine. You'll see, take some time and relax. As long as nothing happens to this cargo, we should have a nice and easy ride