

In this demo I give a comical twist to my animated characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't know if that squirrel knows where he's going. Keeps putting that to my owner. Tom's guesting. Well, you'll find out next winter. And Tom, I find out in about a day. Judy, I'm so good you is. That's the letter B and is known as a confident. You can use it to say We're like Oy, but good. It's the excitement of the century. This horse race is going to be one hot ticket. Here they come. They're coming around them and come around him in steady, steady, they making a jump and 31 Jaggers one Yet again. Well, next time, *******. It's a tradition. Centuries old legend says you're gonna be part of the tribe if you don't stand beneath the farting tree and get sprinkled with its been element flavor. I personally think it stinks. So that's why not part of the tribe. My grand parents told me of how their houses got blown down. While these wolves have huffed and puffed one too many times, I'm for a violation, baby