Pet Cleaning and Hygiene Tutorial demo 1



This audio is a short tutorial about pets hygiene, how to clean or bath a pet especially dogs like Bolognese Border Collie etc...

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you buff your pet, make sure to constantly cheque the water temperature and level. It must be warm or lukewarm. I know oppa than the knee level. If you are using a top, you must avoid washing the head. If your dog is not relaxed by no means, sure, you spray it straight into the face. For the sensitive areas like nose, eyes and mouth, it is better to use a washcloth. You need to apply shampoo Oh, along the back and gently massaged it down. To this king. It is advisable to start with the body and leave the head last. You need to cheque the temperature off the water every five minutes. You have to let the water flow until it's runs clean and you can spot a new super should do on the court.