Political Commercial Reel | Serious , Confident , Assured , Hopeful , Passionate

Profile photo for Sarah Raines
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
jobs are leaving the state in record numbers, while Jacob Byron continues to be an outspoken advocate for outsourcing. Keep jobs where they belong in state vote. Nicole Nielsen for a better economic future, Michael Modern wants a country that is free, prosperous and strong. A vote for Michael Modern is a vote to put America back on the right track. Republican Dan Cry claims to support working families, but he voted three times for a state law that gives more power to corporations and less power toe workers. And when it came time to guarantee paid maternity leave for state employees, Dan Cry didn't even bother to show and vote. In her career as an attorney, Kathleen Gunnels went toe to toe with the powerful and abusive coal industry, fighting for Kentucky coal miners and their families. With your help, she'll take that same fighting spirit to Washington vote for Kathleen Gunnels, friend of Kentucky, a fighter for workers