Audiobook-Educational learning



Audiobook-Educational learning

Role: Storyteller Narrator Mother Teacher Singer Middle Aged Young Adult
Style : Animated Calming Animated Attractive Authentic Believable Buddy Calming Caring Conversational Educational Friendly Genuine Playful Informative Natural Serious Softspoken Soothing Sultry Sweet Smooth Youthful Warm

You Tube Learning: Young Adult Generation Y Narrator Scientist Teacher Animated Authentic Believable Bubbly Youthful Commanding Confident Dynamic Educational Energetic Engaging Enthusiastic Excited Friendly Genuine Knowledgeable Narrator Scientific Smiling Upbeat

ABC-(Singing): Singing Child Playful Kid Animated Kid next door Authentic Believable Youthful Confident Energetic Engaging Enthusiastic Excited Genuine High energy Lyrical Smiling Sweet Upbeat

ABC mouse: Mother Teacher Generation X Generation Y Teacher Spokesperson Playful Narrator Motivational speaker Girl next door Coach Announcer Narrator Educational Authentic Believable Caring Warm Confident Conversational Upbeat Friendly Professional Engaging Enthusiastic High energy Knowledgeable Informative Sincere Smiling Energetic Genuine Bubbly Motivational Young Adult Promo Commercial

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, guys, I'm Jesse and this is Sweets. We love science. We love experimenting and learning and then sharing what we learn with you. Right now we're learning about the five oceans the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern Oceans. A B, C D E h i J k Elemental Teoh. What is ABC mouse dot com? It's a whole new way to think about learning. Imagine a place where games are also lessons where math is an adventure and reading comes alive.