Yoga/Meditation Voiceover - Calm, Relaxed, Instructor

Video Narration


This was a job I recorded a few years ago, one of the first of several guided yoga/meditation voiceovers I've done.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tiptoe to the top of your mat. Inhale to halfway lift, exhale, fold, come into rag do grabbing for opposite elbows, pressing your head through your arms towards your thighs. Option here to maybe rock to the left and to the right. If that feels good in your body, use your breath folding even deeper on your exhale, begin to release the grip of your hands. Roll up like a zombie. One vertebra at a time, your head is the last thing to come up. Come into to Daina pose, press down to your heels, pull up on your kneecaps, shoulders come up high and then pull back down toward your pockets. Inhale, reach up extended mountain exhale forward, fold, inhale halfway lift, exhale, step your right foot back, left foot meets the right hold and high plank inhale, expand your belly. Inhale for 1234, exhale for 4321.