Inspirational pilot episode for English mental wellness podcast

Profile photo for Sara Paye
Not Yet Rated


This is a self-made pilot episode for an English mental wellness podcast called Mindful Advocacy. The content and voice is by Sara Paye.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is our pilot episode zero. Our Letter to You. Dear mindful advocacy listener, You may remember me from high school or college. In fact, I was that girl nominated for homecoming queen at Azusa Pacific in 2011. Oh my gosh, Things were mostly great until a year later, when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It was a genetic predisposition that was catalyzed into effect when I was over prescribed an antidepressant. It seems we don't know what we don't know until we know it. All I'm saying is I greet you from a place of understanding and ultimately support. My name is Sara Pay and I'm stopping by your place this afternoon with a handful of my closest friends, experts and experience to see if you'd like to meet for a few cups of tea. We've heard you've been feeling off lately. Forgetful, slow. I'm concerned with your favorite things. Yeah, we get that for sure. We can uncover a white flag of truth or two about this whole situation. It ain't easy though. I see you hitting that snooze button over and over again. Your comforter is cozy. But the weight pulling you into the mattress isn't quite the same you felt before. It's a new and unwelcome heaviness and it's overbearing chaos of to do list for your mind with racing thoughts about what could be or should be your 20 or nearly 30 or even more seasons than that, but still wallowing in your inner 13 year old, self battling the confusion of some feelings fears and straight up annoying people problems. You're isolated in the Tower of brick walls you put up for yourself. You'd rather not reach out to your BFF right now because that girl always looks happy on instead. Maybe he just doesn't understand the grid of life like you do. You'd rather hide and yet you want to be okay with it all. You want to get out of bed. But I don't know the reason why you should yet I don't know where to start. Take a big deep belly breath begin listening to a tale not unlike your own journey. The collective narratives, timelines and battle cries of your fellow mindful advocates. Here we say the scary stuff allowed. We aired out to dry and address that enormous half a lump or a whistle in the room. Our very own personal and specific hangups. Tell us your wildcard questions and we'll show you our scars. You will learn from our struggles and triumphs, woes and winds so that you don't have to painfully survive but can thrive and even bloom in the comfort of your own skin. Make space for yourself to think about this to be still. And to believe that an army of hopeful soldiers are fighting with you. Here's a tip for mobilization. It starts with shaking yourself free from those dusty doubts and seeing the glimmering light in your own eyes. Time to feed yourself a little reminder that you're not alone and that you will always be your own strongest advocate. Thanks for tuning in sincerely Sarah. I don't know, mm hmm.