Commercial Reel

Radio Ad


Commercial demo reel; snippets of eight commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sitting, squirming, giggling. Being still is just not on your baby's agenda. Give her the nutrition she needs. Wow, my aching back isn't aching for a change. I put on a therm. I care he dropped only a chocolate. This pure can be this silky and make you savor. Sign. Have you heard the best Kept? Disney's Secret Disney Vacation Club offers you an affordable way to visit your Disney friend I girl here of talking I Bowl. That's spokes Eyeball for clear eyes brand. Know what causes dry eyes? Lack of moisture? Yep, it can cause I health problems. Oh, luckily, there's aged in French oak barrels to give you the superb complexity and finesse that every true cognac should possess. It's clear, like of Watty A Has Bean today. Parents have a lot of hard choices, but there's a choice that can make life easier. Calling 1877 kids. Now, that's because every state now offers low cost and free health coverage for kids. So call 1877 Christmas time and Mata Land. There's something here for all open waiting store stick around all day at medal in