Commercial VO Demo

Profile photo for Sharon Cacciabaudo
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Commercial skills
Voice variety

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
celebrated the American spirit of coals, where you find more everything in red, white and blue. Share your pride with commemorative piece for the whole family. Just $5 for adults, $4 for kids. There's never been a better time to show your true colors. Deliciously decadent innocently. 99% fat free briers fruit on the bottom. Yogurt taste naughty, but there's a rhythm toe life way. Sleep at night and wake in the morning. It's the sleep cycle that helps keep us in a healthy balance. But for millions of Americans, sleep doesn't always come easy. Fortunately, there's Ambien, prescription sleep aid that can help you get a full night's sleep. Beautiful hair color. It's a wrapped around my little finger. Excellent scream from Loreal wraps my hair in rich protective cream. It's so protective I can color as often as I want. Who are these people you live with? They look vaguely familiar. There's a word for them. Family will get to know them again on a push garden. Get away. Friskies knows The healthy cat is a beautiful cat. Friskies Total health formula. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it supports healthy skin at a silky smooth coat. See how healthy and beautiful year cat dio