The Commercial Loop

Profile photo for Steven Airey
Not Yet Rated


We all need a voice for every commercial, how about a voice for every commercial.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when we say dove dry spray dries instantly, we mean instantly, as in the second you spray it. It's dry. No more waiting. No more wet stains dubbed dry spray. For Children with type one diabetes, every day is full of risk. Where one missed medication could be the difference between life and death. Support JDRF and help find a cure for type one. Isn't it time you took a road trip? A chance to explore new horizons Thistles? The reimagined CRV test Drive the CRV at your local Honda dealer. When we started doing virtual meetings, we were hoping to come close to the in person experience, but with Microsoft, teams were actually exceeding it. I can't imagine having meetings any other way. This isn't watching TV. This is streaming big, broken, available at Best Buy Target and Rocca dot com. It's like running in tow, a friend and a crowd of strangers. The flavor that always brings you home. Heinz. Find the goodness