Professional commercial demo reel sample.

Profile photo for Sean Hannon
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Studio recorded demo reel using brands selected by me and directed by Claudine Ohayon.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here at Culver's, we have a soft spot for dairy as in real dairy, but hey, we're from Wisconsin. So what did you expect? A Duke Cannon man understands the simple pleasures. Like not smelling so bad. People wince when they pass them. Don't just be a man. Be a Duke Cannon man. I always felt weird talking about my retirement dreams, but after talking to Vanguard, I had the confidence to own it and now they're not dreams. They're plans whether you're working a late night or taking a long weekend, the New Silverado has what you need with more cargo and capability than ever before. Chevy. Most underwear stinks because it's underwear, buck naked underwear is cool, breathable, comfortable because it's Duluth. I don't think people really appreciate how badly we need blood donations every two seconds. A patient needs blood. Your donation will save lives. So do it today.