Dramatic Reel

Profile photo for Sean Antony
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A scene designed to put forward my dramatic skills

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sean Antony. Dramatic riel. Don't say you can't see. Coming. Make what you doing? He's on me until old. What round is it? Yeah, yeah, I know. I know. Just do it. Stewing girls watching, thinking that is getting beaten to a pulp. He's a failure. It must be so scared Alone. Eyes. What did I invite them tonight? Carrie's gonna be sobs. I love you so much. I'm sorry. How'd you good doing this? For you? For us. This's given us life. We love goes this school house. Com loser. Just go on. Got it, huh? Oh, so much. My face is it's just posing. It was such a good show. What? Holmes is so heavy. I just I just want to sleep. You could. He's got a couple in here looking. You got it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's right. He's right. Did get some good hits in a date. Hey, stumbled back with that last one. I can't see him. I can't see him. Everything is red White. May I can't see looking. He's her. His head is It's floating. I just I just need to get him to open up, remember? Got to remember my footwork. Got got to move. Open him up. Exposing. I got this. A godless goes goes Watch. Daddy's coming. I'm coming back, Yes.