

A selection of alternating game characters and styles to showcase my versatility as a video game voice actor.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah. There's no time. We've got to go. Sam! Sam, Honey? Uh huh. My leg. It's stuck. Uh huh. Oh, God, It's not moving. What are you doing here? They don't let your folk walk about these halls. You must be looking for the tablet. You'll never find it. The laboratory will self destruct in T minus 20 seconds. 15 seconds until self destruct. More. That word is thrown around as if people understand what it really means. Until you bury your brother in the red hot sand. You don't understand war. They say war's goal is to bring peace. But we know that the only reason we fight is to cause death and pain to our enemy. Hey! Hey! We need help. Stop, Please! It's my daughter. I think her leg is broken. Stop right there! Okay, okay, okay. We're not infected. We've got two civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise. Come here looking for absolution from me. After all these years, you will find your forgiveness in death. No sooner