Demo Reel, Conversational, Casual, Upbeat

Profile photo for Sebastian Rechner
Not Yet Rated
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All voices performed by Sebastian Rechner using a Neumann TLM-103 through a Drawmer MX60 Front End One

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So I'm going home with my girlfriend over winter break to meet her parents, and I'm freaking out. I mean, should I wear a tie or will they think I'm trying too hard? What should I even call them Mr and Mrs Baker? Or should I take the more casual first name approach? Do I give them a hug when I see them? Or just a handshake? And are they going to expect some sort of gift, like a pie or something? Man, I hope not, because I can't bake to save my life. Did you ever imagine a world where cars could drive themselves where the asphalt can help protect the environment where robots and drones package and deliver right to your doorstep? Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not. It's the future, and the future is here, whether you're a mom returning to the classroom or a ball player trying to hit a home run, if you like working with your hands or if you're all heart. Whatever your aspirations, Morton County Junior College is here to help you on your pathway to a better future with Nintendo three DS. You can have fun wherever you go race against Mario and his greatest rivals through the air or under the sea