Senna Fox - Character Demo



Includes a reluctant hero, a smug casino owner, the girl next door, a young monster-trainer, a twisted sadistic villain, a light-hearted ditz, and a sarcastic main character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What? You didn't be serious side of a mountain. I'd say it looks about over, boys. Don't you know the house always wins? I always thought if he was more than a friend, you were someone I could rely on, someone who never found something. Please don't leave me like this. Don't bother trying to go against me. My plane Deal. Beast. Wilson doing your little bug package. You hear that? Sounds of bloodshed and despair. It seems my name. Such a beautiful voice. It has This magic is incredible. It's so vibrant and so destructive. Great. As if being stranded out here alone in the desert wasn't bad enough. My hair feels like a sandpit. Who can this day get any worse? Of course it can.