Video Narration


This demo includes a variety of my commercial work.

Demonstrates my ability to leap between being personable and friendly to rich and authoritative. I can make promoting products feel like a sincere conversation with a friend.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So every day you get up and go your fresh your energize You're wide awake and you charge full speed ahead You make it happen. You get it done. You've got this sun up to sun down day after day Vivint smart lock Save you time by eliminating the need for exchanging keys in person. As soon as your guests completes their booking, they'll receive a secure kilos entry code from Vivint for easy access to the space. Thank you for experiencing the new Samsung Galaxy s eight. Plus. We hope you had an infinitely amazing journey. Hang on tight, sweetie, or to look both ways before crossing the street. Watch out. You got to be more careful. And you didn't think twice about telling me not to ride the dog. Buster is not a horse. As you build the story of your life videos let you capture the laughter through the years, the adventures with your best friends and the trials and triumphs of the people you love most. Now there is a way to relive your video memories like never before. Learn more at yours dot co