English, podcast, Irish accent, deep voice, american accent, cultured

Profile photo for Shawn Ridley
Not Yet Rated


These are my best takes from my auditions to the Nightshift Podcast, for the characters Dr. Feldman, Justin, Austin, and Styx.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
should I be concerned that you've taken an interest in murder of Sebastian? The term distorts a complex set of problems boiling it down to a word that feeds into the problematic idea that human behavior can be categorized into a concept as black and white, as good and evil. Something about what you recall to me today triggered a very alarming reaction which caused you to see some sort of apparition, a fever dream, a manifestation of your own nightmares. If you will, it's contagious as ****. If you come in contact with the shade, you're going to get bail sick or worse, you'll turn to. It's a good thing for now. Just don't let it get weird. I don't want any creeps in here. Taking advantage of nose. Generosity. This is about this about cops coming in and telling you to stop poking your nose around where it doesn't belong. It's not a good look for you. Sebastian Austin works fine. Let's drop the formalities. You're the one with the wild ideas then you know who my lease to be. I did cruel things there things I'm not proud of. I was everything dangerous. They tell you about a shade All wrapped up in one ugly monster. As far as I thought anyway, I haven't met non shade to sit their neck out for us before. It's a novelty. You trust him. I trust him. It's nice to see you honestly kind of thought it was going to be us against them. Nothing more to it. I got a lucky guess sunshine. Maybe I could just tell. Maybe I could sense it here. Now slow down a minute, at least. Stay with the dinner first. I've spent years. No, Karen. And what I mean is someone who does care. It scares me. It feels like I wasted my shape being a selfish coward. And don't say I'm not. I am.