How to Write a Business Script

Profile photo for SHUBHAM KAMBLE
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Video Narration


An effective script is the basis of a successful sale that can lead to a highly profitable business venture. The use of scripts also allows you to measure quality no matter your staff’s experience and skills.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
write scripts in a conversational tone. This will make your telly marketers and sales people sound warm, friendly and approachable and not stiff like reading from a script. Also allow each individual to have some sort of personalized greeting, one that feels natural for them. So they start out feeling more confident. Be mindful of writing lengthy scripts. Remember that your representatives will only have a short window of opportunity to grab your potential clients attention. An effective strategy to do this is by showing interest in your prospects opinions. This will make them feel important unless likely to reject your offer. Create a well thought out response to rejections. Not all sales pitches end on a positive note or a closed deal. In fact, many and and flat out rejections. It is best that you determine what are the common reasons for these rejections and generate the well measured response that stresses your product's unique selling proposition. Even Maur re sell your products and service is if you don't have a script for this particular strategy than it's time you write one. Most business prospects don't get to see the relevance of your product or service. The first time you sell it to them, you need to repeat the selling process at least twice in different ways.