Commercial Demo

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Looking for a Voice of a girl next door? Energetic, passionate and fun. But Sultry when need be.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if everything was as easy as buying a Honda? Right now, you can drive an award winning accord for under 300 a month. How easy is that creamy goldfish sandwich snackers with fun filled fuel? It's a wonder they're not extinct. Goldfish sandwich snackers, The snack that smiles back. You push you sweat. You build auto help your body perform at its highest level. But when you train your mind, you can do more lucid, trained your mind to power your body. So my friend Jenny thinks I have a big, but that's cool. Not everyone can live on a diet of kale and bunny pellets by Nike knows that women come in all shapes and sizes. That's why they make Nike form a line of ladies trading year designed to keep everyone comfortable. I could bring home the bacon fried up in a pan, and never, never, ever. We'll let you forget you're a man, Jeevan Sheaf darling. Being a sidewalk is not exactly a glamour job, but just you wait until this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, when Longs Drugs is having their sidewalks spectacular. Treat your cancer Nintendo two DS with new Super Mario brothers to the love catching and battling Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Room. Where to go? I wanted to play