The Mediterranean Diet Retail Audio Sample

Profile photo for Mary Luchini
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The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook and 21 Day Meal Plan is an audiobook that I collaborated with on the ACX platform. I love to do educational and how to projects. Anything that puts a positive lifestyle out there peaks my interest the most at this time so this book was special for me. The production was nearly 5 hours in length and a project I had fun doing.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
getting the perfect diet to stay healthy and remain in shape doesn't have to be so hard. You don't have to worry about counting calories, fat grams or glassy MK load to stay active, prevent cancer and diabetes or lose weight. There are so many diets out there with a promise to guarantee good health. Yet there's no one close to the Mediterranean diet in popularity or efficacy. Mediterranean Diet ranked number one on the U. S. World and News Report 19 2041 Best Diets Overall list for a reason. Diabetes, cancer and obesity are serious health issues that can easily hijack your body system if you don't pay attention to your diet. What if there is a way you can prevent these deadly diseases without having to take drastic nutritional measures or change your entire life style? This is what the Mediterranean diet is all about. It's an eating pattern and not a calorie restricted diet. The Mediterranean diet for beginners The Complete Guide is a comprehensive introduction to this eating pattern that focuses on relishing food and drink with your loved ones, together with being active and conscious of moderation at all times by reading this book, you will learn what the Mediterranean diet is all about. Its origin, essence and health benefits. You'll get 90 different delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks and appetizer. The guarantee. Lifelong health and how to get started on your journey to better health. With a 21 day diet meal plan you can adopt immediately. When most people hear the word diet, they start thinking of calorie restrictions and rigid eating timetable. This immediately makes it sound like a difficult prospect. The Mediterranean diet is not your typical diet in the Mediterranean diet. For beginners, the Complete guide You will find out that you can achieve all your health goals by making only a few alterations in your diet. Most people have problems sticking to a diet because they can't properly sort what to eat and what not to as well as when to eat. What in the Mediterranean diet for beginners. The Complete Guide. The amazing recipes are properly categorized into breakfast, lunch, snacks and appetizer, dinner and even dessert in order to help you adopt the heart healthy Mediterranean diet without any stress. In addition to that, the ingredients for all the recipes highlighted in this book are not especially costly, rare or strange. You are familiar with them and can easily source them. You also don't have to worry about how to get started. The carefully designed 21 day meal diet plan will set your own course to your desired health results. Order your copy of the Mediterranean diet for beginners, The Complete Guide Today and get the secret eating pattern to living healthier and longer. Order your copy now. The earlier you get your copy, the quicker you can start achieving your health goals.